2021-2022 Term 2 IERG6120 Wi-Fi Signals and Systems
2021-2022 Term 2 ENGG1120 Linear Algebra
2021-2022 Term 1 IEMS5701 Wireless Communication
2020-2021 Term 2 ENGG1120 Linear Algebra
2020-2021 Term 1 IERG4100/IEMS5701 Wireless Communication Systems
2019-2020 Term 1 IERG4100/IEMS5701 Wireless Communication Systems
2021-2022 Term 2 ENGG1120 Linear Algebra
2021-2022 Term 1 IEMS5701 Wireless Communication
2020-2021 Term 2 ENGG1120 Linear Algebra
2020-2021 Term 1 IERG4100/IEMS5701 Wireless Communication Systems
2019-2020 Term 1 IERG4100/IEMS5701 Wireless Communication Systems
Professional Activities
Journal Editor
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2020/05-now
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2020.01-2022.01
Professional Membership:
- IEEE Member, 2016-now.
Technical Program Committee Member
- IEEE ICC 2014, 2015, 2016
- IEEE Globecom 2016
Technical Review:
- IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transaction on Communications, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid
- IEEE Signal Processing Letters, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
- Conferences: Globecom 2012, ISWTA 2012, WCNC 2012, ICC 2014, Globecom 2014
- Volunteer for IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2012
- Volunteer for IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2014
This page was last modified 27 Feb, 2022 by [He Chen].