This page ONLY lists the publications that were submitted/accepted after Dr Chen joined CUHK. For a full list of his publications, please refer to his Google Scholar.
All students and RAs affiliated in our group are labelled with a star *.
Submitted manuscript
Published/Accepted Papers
"J" represents "Journal" and "C" represents "Conference"
[C-21] Q. Wang* and H. Chen, "AoI-Oriented Scheduling in Downlink Multiuser MIMO Systems Under Peak-Power Constraint," in IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2023 Workshop on Modeling and Optimization for Semantic Communications, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-20] R. Kong* and H. Chen, "Physical-Layer Authentication of Commodity Wi-Fi Devices via Micro-Signals on CSI Curves", in IEEE SPAWC 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-19] K. Xu*, R. Zhang*, and H. Chen, "RF-Based Simultaneous Localization and Source Seeking for Multi-Robot Systems", in IEEE SPAWC 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-18] K. Xu*, H. Chen, and C. Wu, "Pulse Shape-Aided Multipath Delay Estimation for Fine-Grained WiFi Sensing", in IEEE SPAWC 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-17] M. Liu, Z. Dong, H. Chen, H. Xu and Z. Liu, "Joint Design of Energy-Based Constellations for Two-User Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems", in IEEE SPAWC 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-16] Z. Han*, Q. Wang*, and H. Chen, "Fresh-Fi: Enhancing Information Freshness in Commodity WiFi Systems via Customizing Lower Layers," in IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-15] S. Wang* and H. Chen, "Optical Integrated Sensing and Communication for Cooperative Mobile Robotics: Design and Experiments," in IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-14] J. Liu*, Q. Wang*, and H. Chen, "Optimizing Age of Information in Uplink Multiuser MIMO Networks with Partial Observations," in IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[J-16] Q. Wang* and H. Chen, "Age of Information in Reservation Multi-Access Networks with Stochastic Arrivals: Analysis and Optimization," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted to appear, May 2023.
[J-15] J. Liu*, R. Zhang*, A. Gong and H. Chen, "Optimizing Age of Information in Wireless Uplink Networks with Partial Observations," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted to appear, Mar 2023.
[C-20] R. Kong* and H. Chen, "Physical-Layer Authentication of Commodity Wi-Fi Devices via Micro-Signals on CSI Curves", in IEEE SPAWC 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-19] K. Xu*, R. Zhang*, and H. Chen, "RF-Based Simultaneous Localization and Source Seeking for Multi-Robot Systems", in IEEE SPAWC 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-18] K. Xu*, H. Chen, and C. Wu, "Pulse Shape-Aided Multipath Delay Estimation for Fine-Grained WiFi Sensing", in IEEE SPAWC 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-17] M. Liu, Z. Dong, H. Chen, H. Xu and Z. Liu, "Joint Design of Energy-Based Constellations for Two-User Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems", in IEEE SPAWC 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-16] Z. Han*, Q. Wang*, and H. Chen, "Fresh-Fi: Enhancing Information Freshness in Commodity WiFi Systems via Customizing Lower Layers," in IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-15] S. Wang* and H. Chen, "Optical Integrated Sensing and Communication for Cooperative Mobile Robotics: Design and Experiments," in IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[C-14] J. Liu*, Q. Wang*, and H. Chen, "Optimizing Age of Information in Uplink Multiuser MIMO Networks with Partial Observations," in IEEE/IFIP WiOpt 2023, accepted to appear, June 2023.
[J-16] Q. Wang* and H. Chen, "Age of Information in Reservation Multi-Access Networks with Stochastic Arrivals: Analysis and Optimization," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted to appear, May 2023.
[J-15] J. Liu*, R. Zhang*, A. Gong and H. Chen, "Optimizing Age of Information in Wireless Uplink Networks with Partial Observations," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, accepted to appear, Mar 2023.
[J-14] L. Zhang, S. C. Liew and H. Chen, "A Just-In-Time Networking Framework for Minimizing Request-Response Latency of Wireless Time-Sensitive Applications," to appear in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted in Dec. 2022
[J-13] W. Han, Z. Dong, H. Chen, and X. -C. Gao, "Constellation Design for Energy-Based Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems over Correlated Channels", to appear in IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, accepted in July 2022.---
[C-13] Q, Wang* and H. Chen, "Age of Information in Reservation Multi-Access Networks With Stochastic Arrivals", accepted to appear at ISIT 2022. April 2022.
[J-12] Y. Shao, Q. Cao, S. C. Liew and H. Chen, "Partially Observable Minimum-Age Scheduling: The Greedy Policy," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 404-418, Jan. 2022.
[J-13] W. Han, Z. Dong, H. Chen, and X. -C. Gao, "Constellation Design for Energy-Based Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems over Correlated Channels", to appear in IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, accepted in July 2022.---
[C-13] Q, Wang* and H. Chen, "Age of Information in Reservation Multi-Access Networks With Stochastic Arrivals", accepted to appear at ISIT 2022. April 2022.
[J-12] Y. Shao, Q. Cao, S. C. Liew and H. Chen, "Partially Observable Minimum-Age Scheduling: The Greedy Policy," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 404-418, Jan. 2022.
[J-11] Y. Shao, S. C. Liew, H. Chen and Y. Du, "Flow Sampling: Network Monitoring in Large-Scale Software-Defined IoT Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 6120-6133, Sept. 2021.
[J-10] Q Wang*, H Chen, C Zhao, Y Li, P Popovski, and B Vucetic, "Optimizing Information Freshness via Multiuser Scheduling with Adaptive NOMA/OMA", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., accepted in Aug. 2021,
[J-9] J. Liang, H. Chen, and S. C. Liew, “Design and Implementation of Time-Sensitive Wireless IoT Networks on Software-Defined Radio”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Accepted in June 2021. See
[J-8] S. Li, Z. Dong, H. Chen, and X. Guo, "Constellation Design for Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems in URLLC Applications", IEEE Trans. Commu., accepted in April. 2021.
[J-7] B. Li*, Q. Wang*, He Chen, Y. Zhou and Y. Li, "Optimizing Information Freshness for Cooperative IoT Systems with Stochastic Arrivals" IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted in Dec. 2020.
[J-6] Y Gu, Q Wang*, H Chen, Y Li, and B Vucetic, "Optimizing Information Freshness in Two-Hop Status Update Systems under a Resource Constraint", IEEE JSAC special issue on age of information, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 1380-1392, May 2021. See
[J-10] Q Wang*, H Chen, C Zhao, Y Li, P Popovski, and B Vucetic, "Optimizing Information Freshness via Multiuser Scheduling with Adaptive NOMA/OMA", IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., accepted in Aug. 2021,
[J-9] J. Liang, H. Chen, and S. C. Liew, “Design and Implementation of Time-Sensitive Wireless IoT Networks on Software-Defined Radio”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Accepted in June 2021. See
[J-8] S. Li, Z. Dong, H. Chen, and X. Guo, "Constellation Design for Noncoherent Massive SIMO Systems in URLLC Applications", IEEE Trans. Commu., accepted in April. 2021.
[J-7] B. Li*, Q. Wang*, He Chen, Y. Zhou and Y. Li, "Optimizing Information Freshness for Cooperative IoT Systems with Stochastic Arrivals" IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted in Dec. 2020.
[J-6] Y Gu, Q Wang*, H Chen, Y Li, and B Vucetic, "Optimizing Information Freshness in Two-Hop Status Update Systems under a Resource Constraint", IEEE JSAC special issue on age of information, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 1380-1392, May 2021. See
[J-5] Q. Wang*, H. Chen, Y. Gu, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, “Minimizing the age of information of cognitive radio-based iot systems under a collision constraint,”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted in Aug. 2020.
[J-4] Z. Gu*, H. Chen, P. Xu, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, "Physical Layer Authentication for Non-coherent Massive SIMO-Eabled Industrial IoT Communications," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, accepted in May 2020. See
[J-3] J. Li, Y. Zhou, and H. Chen, "Age of Information for Multicast Transmission with Fixed and Random Deadlines in IoT Systems", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted in Mar. 2020. See
[C-12] J. Li, Y. Zhou, H. Chen, and Y. Shi, "Age of Aggregated Information: Timely Status Update with Over-the-Air Computation," IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, accepted in Aug. 2020.
[C-11] A. Gong, T. Zhang*, H. Chen, and Y. Zhang, "Age-of-Information-based Scheduling in Multiuser Uplinks with Stochastic Arrivals: A POMDP Approach,", IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, accepted in Aug. 2020.
[C-10] B. Li*, H. Chen, Y. Zhou, and Y. Li, “Age-oriented opportunistic relaying in cooperative status update systems with stochastic arrivals,”, IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, accepted in Aug. 2020.
[C-9] Z. Han*, J. Liang, Y. Gu, and H. Chen, “Software-defined radio implementation of age-of-information-oriented random access,”, IEEE IECON 2020, accepted in July 2020.
[C-8] B. Li*, H. Chen, N. Pappas, and Y. Li, "Optimizing Information Freshness in Two-Way Relay Networks", submitted, June 2020. See, accepted to appear in IEEE ICCC 2020, July 2020.
[C-7] H. Chen, Q. Wang*, Z. Dong, and N. Zhang, "Multiuser Scheduling for Minimizing Age of Information in Uplink MIMO Systems",, accepted to appear in IEEE ICCC 2020, July 2020.
[C-6] Q. Wang*, H. Chen, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, “Minimizing age of information via hybrid NOMA/OMA,”, accepted to appear in IEEE ISIT 2020.
[C-5] H. Chen, Y. Gu, and S. C. Liew, “Age-of-Information Dependent Random Access for Massive IoT Networks,”, Age of Information Workshop at INFOCOM 2020, accepted in Feb. Corrections.
[C-4] Z. Gu*, H. Chen, P. Xu, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, "Physical Layer Authentication for Non-coherent Massive SIMO-Based Industrial IoT Communications," accepted to appear in IEEE WCNC 2020,
[C-3] J. Li, Y. Zhou, and H. Chen, "On the Age of Information for Multicast Transmission with Hard Deadlines in IoT Systems," accepted to appear in IEEE WCNC 2020,
[J-4] Z. Gu*, H. Chen, P. Xu, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, "Physical Layer Authentication for Non-coherent Massive SIMO-Eabled Industrial IoT Communications," IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, accepted in May 2020. See
[J-3] J. Li, Y. Zhou, and H. Chen, "Age of Information for Multicast Transmission with Fixed and Random Deadlines in IoT Systems", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted in Mar. 2020. See
[C-12] J. Li, Y. Zhou, H. Chen, and Y. Shi, "Age of Aggregated Information: Timely Status Update with Over-the-Air Computation," IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, accepted in Aug. 2020.
[C-11] A. Gong, T. Zhang*, H. Chen, and Y. Zhang, "Age-of-Information-based Scheduling in Multiuser Uplinks with Stochastic Arrivals: A POMDP Approach,", IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, accepted in Aug. 2020.
[C-10] B. Li*, H. Chen, Y. Zhou, and Y. Li, “Age-oriented opportunistic relaying in cooperative status update systems with stochastic arrivals,”, IEEE GLOBECOM 2020, accepted in Aug. 2020.
[C-9] Z. Han*, J. Liang, Y. Gu, and H. Chen, “Software-defined radio implementation of age-of-information-oriented random access,”, IEEE IECON 2020, accepted in July 2020.
[C-8] B. Li*, H. Chen, N. Pappas, and Y. Li, "Optimizing Information Freshness in Two-Way Relay Networks", submitted, June 2020. See, accepted to appear in IEEE ICCC 2020, July 2020.
[C-7] H. Chen, Q. Wang*, Z. Dong, and N. Zhang, "Multiuser Scheduling for Minimizing Age of Information in Uplink MIMO Systems",, accepted to appear in IEEE ICCC 2020, July 2020.
[C-6] Q. Wang*, H. Chen, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, “Minimizing age of information via hybrid NOMA/OMA,”, accepted to appear in IEEE ISIT 2020.
[C-5] H. Chen, Y. Gu, and S. C. Liew, “Age-of-Information Dependent Random Access for Massive IoT Networks,”, Age of Information Workshop at INFOCOM 2020, accepted in Feb. Corrections.
[C-4] Z. Gu*, H. Chen, P. Xu, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, "Physical Layer Authentication for Non-coherent Massive SIMO-Based Industrial IoT Communications," accepted to appear in IEEE WCNC 2020,
[C-3] J. Li, Y. Zhou, and H. Chen, "On the Age of Information for Multicast Transmission with Hard Deadlines in IoT Systems," accepted to appear in IEEE WCNC 2020,
[J-2] D. Zhang, A. Li, H. Chen, N. Wei, M. Ding, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, "Beam Allocation for Millimeter-Wave MIMO Tracking Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, accepted in Nov. 2019.
[J-1] Y. Gu*, H. Chen, C. Zhai, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, “Minimizing age of information in cognitive radio-based iot systems: Underlay or overlay?” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted in Aug. 2019.
[C-2] R. Wang*, Y. Gu*, H. Chen, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, "On the Age of Information of Short-Packet Communications with Packet Management ", in Proc. 2019 IEEE GLOBECOM, 2019.
[C-1] B. Li*, H. Chen, Z. Dong, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, "Signal Design for AF Relay Systems using Superposition Coding and Finite-Alphabet Inputs", in Proc. 2019 IEEE GLOBECOM, 2019.
[J-1] Y. Gu*, H. Chen, C. Zhai, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, “Minimizing age of information in cognitive radio-based iot systems: Underlay or overlay?” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, accepted in Aug. 2019.
[C-2] R. Wang*, Y. Gu*, H. Chen, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, "On the Age of Information of Short-Packet Communications with Packet Management ", in Proc. 2019 IEEE GLOBECOM, 2019.
[C-1] B. Li*, H. Chen, Z. Dong, Y. Li, and B. Vucetic, "Signal Design for AF Relay Systems using Superposition Coding and Finite-Alphabet Inputs", in Proc. 2019 IEEE GLOBECOM, 2019.
Before joining CUHK
This page was last modified 16 Feb. 2020 by [He Chen].